
Organized, note taking app with wiki connections and markdown syntax. Syncs with Dropbox and remoteStorage.


  • Edit using markdown
  • To rename a note, open it and click on the title.
  • To add a folder, create a note under it: folder/note
  • Link between notes by using "[[" eg: [[bookmarks]]
  • On edit mode press to replace first text between {{ }} with link to relative note
  • Insert images using the following template: ![TITLE](URL "WIDTH"). All but the url are optional.
  • Press ctrl + right/left keyboard arrow or swipe right-left to move between notes
  • Press "b" keyboard key or pinchin to show breadcrumbs
  • Press "s" keyboard key or pinchout to list notes referring current
  • Use search to find notes
  • Use calendar to easily add/edit journal notes
  • On a FirefoxOS device, when sharing a link with the app, it creates a note named bookmarks (if it noes not exist) and adds the url.
  • Mathematical expressions by KaTeX



Dimitris Gardiklis
twitter: @gardiklis